If, and only if, you get tagged, create a post with links to 5 snarky blogs and their snarky owners.
Link your post back to Lib and Jayedee so that people can easily find the origin of the got snark? Blog Award.
Include a copy of these rules in your post.
Proudly display the got snark? Blog Award on your blog using the code below - please do not alter the code.
And yes, if someone tags you as a snarky blogger, you can tag them back (and no, they don't have to post more than once). Snarkiness is snarkiness. Tag it where you see it.
Living life, loving the learning, hating the process. I am currently a student working on my degree in Psychology. The posts here are mainly the essay's I've written for various classes. None posted received less than an A grade. I simply wanted to put these somewhere after putting so much work into them. Maybe someone will enjoy them.